Does Your Company do Volunteer Work?

I talked about Corporate Social Responsibility a while back and today I’d like to talk about Volunteering.

Personally, I think most everyone has good intentions. If we see a need, and can fulfill it easily, we are more than happy to do so. It’s the ‘fulfill it easily’ part that is a stumbling block.

We are all busy. For those of us fortunate enough to have a job we are probably working longer hours than we previously did and, in addition, we still try to maintain some semblance of a personal life with family, friends, children and find some down time just for ourselves. So when these opportunities to ‘fulfill a need’ arise we too often find we don’t have the time.

That’s where volunteering through work can come into play.

As a business owner or a manager it is important for you to remember that your employees are looking to you for leadership. If you are taking time to give back to your community your employees will be inspired to give back as well. And, if you have a ‘cause’ that is important to you – share it with your employees and find ways that you can all give to the cause together.

Encouraging your employees to slow down and take the time to give of their time, energy and resources will give a huge morale boost to them and to yourself.

Volunteering makes people feel good about themselves. Most volunteer projects have immediate results, too, which is encouraging and motivating.

In the meetings/event industry doing volunteer community service projects as part of a conference or event has become very popular. Clean The World and Habitat for Humanity have opportunities for volunteers in almost every city. Meeting planners should also check with the local CVB for area specific ideas. Many CVBs, cities, convention centers and even some large hotels have service projects they can recommend to you depending on the size of your group and the amount of time you have to volunteer.

Additionally, employers can contact their local communities, parks, churches or civic organizations to find opportunities to volunteer.

Remember to solicit your employees for ideas. Involving them gives them ownership and pride in completing the project.

Employees, make suggestions to your manager for places a group can volunteer. Rally your co-workers and get out there together to fulfill a need…you’ll all feel good!

Do you have a volunteer opportunity to tell us about? Or a story about volunteering? Please enter your comments below and Thanks!

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